Georgetown, Exumas

Do you like crowds, social gatherings and so many boats you question if you have swing room? Then you will love Georgetown.

We say Georgetown; but really is Elizabeth Harbor and all its anchorages. Georgetown is the main hub so to speak; though Chat N Chill Beach may beg to argue. Elizabeth harbor is the crown jewel of the Exumas. Its one of the few places that no matter the prevailing wind one can find shelter. Though, you may not find room with often more than 300 boats finding their way here.

Depending on what you like to do you can find it in this area. Yoga on the beach? Every day. Hiking, sure just chose which group you want to go with. Educational activities for the kids; just listen at the end of the daily cruisers net and join in.

There is a cruisers regatta in March. Racing happens. Drinking and celebrations too. Music will be performed by cruisers and other entertainment during the events. Its quite the effort put on mostly by the cruising community.

But all these people and boats in one place can produce the unexpected and not always in a positive manner. Crowds of tourists attract locals that wish to cash in on them. There are plenty in GT. Most Bahamians are good natured, friendly and want the best for their guests in the Exumas. But while we were there a fellow cruiser lost his life.

We did not witness it. Only the participants of the accident and one other dinghy know the events. But as retold by that one dinghy’s skipper. The Bahamian boat, a water taxi, was cruising though the anchorage at a high rate of speed and the person at the wheel was looking at their smart phone. They ran over a person in their dinghy leaving from the chat N chill; killing them instantly. All boats involved were well lit. Nothing happened to the Bahamian driver of the negligent boat. Within 2 days, they were back to speeding through the anchorage like nothing happened. Oh well.

Its something to keep in mind. When ever you see this many boats in an place, be cautious.

Even with this, I still heartily recommend this area. There is much to attacked the cruising sailor. Two very well stocked groceries in GT, as well as an airport. Full service banking should you require it. There are restaurants of all types in GT catering to many tastes. Also, even though there really is a crush of boats during the high season, they tend to congregate in a few areas, leaving many other anchorages to choose fr