Escape from the Bahamas

After we left Long Island we headed North through the Exumas Chain. Even though we left early in the morning we had to stop prior to reaching any towns and we chose Rocky Point for that. Its a beautiful little islet with shallows all around and birds inhabiting the island.

The next morning we sailed passed Little Farmers and other places we wanted to stop, so that we could reach Black Point. When we did, we found locals that welcomed us and wanted us in there stores and restaurants. But unfortunately they only offered carry out for meals. Sounded good and we had them brings us hamburgers to the dock 😉 We stayed a couple of days to let weather pass and see what would happen with lockdowns and such. Then we continued our journey.

We provisioned at Staniel Cay. Purchasing both groceries and fuel. In each case, we were welcomed by the locals. But cautioned to continue to wear masks and keep socially distant. We did not stay at Staniel. Choosing instead to press on to reach Normans, which we enjoyed for 2 days.

Our goal was to reach Great Harbour as quickly as possible. This way we could pick a weather window for the 24 hour crossing to West Palm Beach/Lake Worth Inlet. Along the way we stopped in New Providence, Little Whale Cay, the back side of Great Harbour and Great Harbour West side. All, where day trips until we reached the West Side of Great Harbour.

There we encountered the worst storm of the trip. Shortly after we set anchor a call came over the radio from one of the many parked Cruise Ships nearby. It has just recorded 50+ knots of wind and was warning all boaters. The family flew into action. shutting windows and hatches. Zipping up the cock pit enclosure. Then it hit… 60 mph winds for 30 minutes with driving rain… Panic washed the anchorage as boats dragged and no one could see where they were. We called out on the radio for everyone to through on every light they had; we did the same. Those with AIS could be tracked on the chart plotter, others we had to pray they were behind us. Fortunately, our anchor once again held firm and we did not budge.

After everything calmed down, we discovered that one of the hatches was not tight and water had leaked in, destroying our main editing computer. That was a tough loss for us…

After two days of watching the weather we caught our window and left Great Harbour for a 24 hour run to west palm.

We will miss the Bahamas and we can’t wait to get back. But for now, we will again cruise the United States.