Sail to Fernandina

We left Brunswick Landing Marina late morning. It was a teary good by to Hans and our dock neighbors on Kya. Wyatt and Hans both were in tears and Jennifer soon followed. We were there a long time and made great friends with many people. BLM is a sticky location and easy to stay.

We motored out under the bridge and made the long slow trek to deeper water. Out goal was to sail over night to St Augustine or go further weather permitting. After we made the turn south, both Jennifer and I saw a breaching whale. It was both of our first wild whale sittings. An auspicious start to a long journey.

It wasn’t long after that Wyatt became sea sick. We decided to divert to Fernandina Beach to anchor for the night. We could rest peacefully at anchor. It gave us a chance to practice anchoring a skill we would need again and again.

We hit the anchorage just before sunset. Anchored right outside a plant that worked all night is not a recipe for a good nights sleep, but we made it work.