Corona Virus Lockdown in the Cruising Community (a work of fiction)

Lockdown Day1: Local Government has implemented a 24 hour curfew. Shutdown ports to all boat traffic. They have refused entry to all international travelers. Oh well. At least we can still go get groceries and fuel when needed.  But we should be good for months.

Lockdown Day2: Watched movies today. Started rekindling old software skills. Maybe we will start learning a new language this week.  Wyatt caught a fish today…  We made 40 gallons of water.  Everyone on the boat is pulling together to make this great family time.

Lockdown Day3: Doing what we can on the boat. Painted some non-skid (kiwi grip) on step down transom. Changed the oil in both the engine and genset. Family is taking it well, even though all beaches are closed. We have everything we need on the boat: water, weeks of food, snacks, 2 bottles of whiskey, rum,and making Ginger beer…

LD Day 4: Wyatt, bless his heart, ate all the apples today. AND! We just ran out of chips and salsa. But we have popcorn and cookies still.  Jennifer is making a batch of brownies.  LTE is acting up, but we should be fine. Looks like we will be here a while as cases in the US skyrocket.  Hopefully we can get out of here before hurricane season.

Day 8: Haven’t been able to update or do much as the internet was out here for a few days. We had to read books.  We fished all day, but the harbor must be fished out with all the cruisers here.  Jennifer locked herself in the forward head for 2 hours, mumbling and eating the last of our chocolate bars.

Day 9: Some cruisers came by today, they wanted to trade a bottle of rum for some sandwich meat. I worked out a bottle of Lagavulin 16 year old Scotch for a can of Vienna sausages. Not a bad trade.

Day 10: Cat went missing. Not sure if he fell off the boat or not. We might risk going to shore after dinner to try to find him. Good news though, we are having fried chicken for dinner. I thought we were out of chicken, but looks like Jennifer found some. Awesome!!!

Day 11: That was some of the toughest chicken we have ever had and stringy. Maybe we could have marinated it, or something. Could not find the cat. Inventorying stores today. Its surprising how much food 3 people go through when locked up together with nothing to do.

Day 12: Coffee ran out today, so I guess I am quitting cold turkey.

Day 13: Found some more coffee, another boat had some they were hoarding. But I persuaded them that it was a good idea and had unexpected health benefits, to share their stash with me.  After the coffee I had to go up the mast to get Wyatt, he found a can of pineapples in the bilge and scrambled to the spreaders so he didn’t have to share it.

Day 14: Internet back on, who knows how long. I started a “cruising with guns” debate on the anchorage Facebook group. Interesting how many people don’t like guns. Me either hehe.

Day 15: Scored a new bread machine, 25 gallons of diesel, eggs and butter at last nights “midnight sailors exchange”. Or as they say, “If you have butter and no guns, you have no butter”

Day 16: While I was dying my sails black another cruiser came by. They kept a good 50 yards off my beam. Using a loud hailer, they told me the curfew and travel ban was lifted 5 days ago. Oops, I guess “going radio silent” doesn’t mean turning off the radio.

Day 1, er Day 5 of lifted quarantine: Government Defense Forces Boat stopped at a few boats in the anchorage and now is headed my way… Might have to upgrade to their type of vessel