One Beautiful Beach – Treasure Cay

Treasure Cay Beach

The night in Manjack and the day after were downright scary.  I had thoughts of just curling up in the v-berth at the dock and waiting for the plane.  Of course, we still had a few beers and at least 2 bottles of rum, not to mention steaks and hamburgers.  We needed a day trip  to Treasure Cay.

Not technically one of the many Cays in the Abacos, treasure cay is more of a resort/marina.  Its about 2 hours by sailboat from Marsh Harbor and the entrance looks iffy should you draw over 5 feet.  We figured that getting there and leaving before low tide would work.  This would give us a couple of hours to look at it.

We had breakfast underway, couple of pounds of bacon and scrambled eggs.  Not sure what it is about eating common food on a boat, but it just tastes better.  After eating and cleanup we were still about half an hour for the entrance to the harbor.  During that time considerable power boat traffic came in.  Most boats going in and out are fishing boats, looks like they head past the reefs to get to some larger game fish.  We gingerly felt our way through the entrance; because ahead of us a larger vessel got out of the channel and nudged a shoal.  We gave that area a wide berth.

The marina let us use a mooring, since we would only be there for a couple of hours.  We gladly accepted to avoid our anchoring ritual.  I was slightly less enthused upon seeing the state of the mooring pennants.  We tied off and crossed our fingers, then went ashore.

I am sure that there are other things to do on Treasure Cay than stare at the most beautiful beach (well one of them).  I don’t know what they are.  After two days of stress, just looking out on the white sand and clear blue water was enough to recharge.  Curling up in the v-berth would have been a bad idea; considering this was the last day of the charter and we flew out in the morning.

On the way back we grilled the rest of the meat we had and drank the rest of our rum provisions.  I wish I had more time to explore the area.  I have been here twice and don’t think I have seen anything yet.  It’s likely sacrilege but next time I think I want to rent a shallow draft power boat and stay in a house.