Sailing Again

It has been seven months since the car accident. I have gotten a handful of sails in since June. Getting to the boat and out of the slip is easy enough; coming back though, there’s the problem. I just don’t have the speed afoot right now to get up the deck quickly or onto the dock as needed.  I also can’t count on someone standing around near my slip to handle the lines.

Luckily, during the summer, there usually are no shortage of crew to help sail and dock the boat. They do what is necessary and move around the boat with the agility I don’t have right now. But I am a person that likes to do things for myself and I have had to let go. This has been the hardest part for me. To let others do and just appreciate that they are there to do it. It certainly has made my time off my feet enjoyable.

That’s one of the gifts of the accident, I guess.  It has expanded my ability to work with others.  In the past, I took the attitude that it was faster for me to do it than to explain it.  People want to help, I just have to explain what is needed, before it is needed; but not to0 far in advance.

I think I will be using this approach for a while.  The approach seems to increase my enjoyment and others as well.  Plus we both learn about each other and maybe something about the boat as well.