Short Shakedown Changes

One of the ideas behind the sail to Amelia Island for Christmas was to shakedown the boat. Since the end of boatyard purgatory we have not had a chance to really push the boat to identify issues.  But we did this time and I found several things that need fixing.

Some of the issues where likely with the boat originally and I just didn’t notice until the conditions were right.  For instance, the steering not balanced port vs. starboard. In light conditions the boat tacks fine; but in heavy the bow would not turn through the waves and wind without significant speed. This was somewhat due to the autopilot arm being out of adjustment, but also how the chain was set on the gear.  There were many other things, so here’s a list.  I give them today so that I remember them and maybe each item will become an article.  We will see.

  • Radar not functioning
  • Instrument lights not functioning since install of new wind transducer
  • Wind data not making it to Chart Plotter
  • Stereo doesn’t work all the time; I have the replacement in hand
  • Racor in a terrible location so it is difficult to change filters.
  • Boat smells like diesel since SE Tank Services came.
  • Should change all hoses for Fuel
  • Change all head hoses
  • New holding tanks would be nice with a way to pump them overboard when at sea (can’t currently)
  • Remote control for Windlass not functioning
  • Replace “dog” on starboard saloon hatch (broke it while tightening)
  • Replace all weather seals on all ports and hatches
  • Paint chips on hard dodger need to be sanded and sealed/painted
  • Exhaust for Eperspacher heater
  • Engine blower stopped working…
  • replace Zinc for sea-frost
  • DC portion of Fridge stopped working
  • Condensation or leak around mast (coming through the mast partners).

I am sure I will run into others this weekend when I am back at the boat, but will start fixing some of these this weekend.