Woefully Behind in posting

The travel lifestyle we lead is one that should lend it self to more posts, blogs, vlogs, instagrams, tweets and youtube videos. For many it does. Not for us. We rather live the experience than record it and often things that would probably had made some good story of video, well we just deal with it and move on.

But there are things that we want to put out there, but with living life and working it just tends to fall by the way side. For a while. The online todo list grows ever longer, but the real world one … well it gets longer too, but many more of the items get checked off. Rental house needs a roof, check. Need to paint the hull, check. Need to install a wind generator,sure. But need to post the latest video, more likely a not so latest video; likely will get to it, maybe…

We hope to start blogging and video-ing more. The last years the motivation has been low, since its a lot of work.

More Articles soon…