Charleston Race Week, April 14-17

After fixing the cockpit sole, I thought I had earned a break.  So I ignored working on my taxes at the last minute and headed to Charleston, SC for a long weekend.  The event kicked off with a party Thursday night sponsored by Goslings Rum.  Its your basic sailing get together: Sailors, Boats, Dark & Stormies, and a few booth babes.

I don’t race.  There are many reason I tell myself as to why.  My favorite is the cost of it.  But more than likely its simply that I don’t want to empty the many comforts from my boat to help her sail even close to her PHRF rating.  But the spectacle of sailboat racing is great fun.  It draws all manner of people from small club racer to the professional wannabe.  There are vendors of sailing craft, like Melges, and vendors of sailing gear such as Gill and West Marine.  There are others hawking  rum and hang over remedies (which go fast).

It all seems to mesh well.  Yeah, some of the people you meet aren’t exactly the friendliest.  It makes me wonder where they store their high horse on the boat.  The vast

Seal heads froms Goslings

majority on the other hand prove themselves on the water and extend a glass to you on shore.  Its great to hear the many campaigns of the older sailors and the fire of the young ones.

I haven’t decided if the vendors hawking wares offer any decent bargains.  Maybe they do, maybe they don’t until the last day.  But I have decided that I will come back next year.  Probably stay in the resort.  If possible, I’ll try to get a ride.